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Statista and I’m interested!!!!!!

Ça m’intérese magazine has teamed up with the Statista institute to produce the 1st edition of an exclusive ranking of the best campsites in France.Ca mintéresse, a monthly magazine for the general public that is close to its readers and their expectations, has decided to support a sector whose values it shares: nature, discovery and encounters………..

…….. And Youpendi camping is part of it!!!!

Campe Couvert, the cancellation insurance we offer, covers all cancellation risks!

Whatever happens, with Campe-couvert, you’re protected. Cancellation insurance reimburses you in the event of :

  • COVID: affected by Covid-19, in quatorzaine following a positive Covid case or contact case (on medical advice)
  • Medical reasons: serious illness including COVID, serious accident or death, contraindications and vaccinations, complications due to pregnancy.
  • Personal reasons: summons to adopt a child, make-up exams
  • or organ transplant, etc.
  • Serious damage to your vehicle: within 96 hours before the 1st day of your stay
  • Professional reasons: cancellation or modification of paid vacation dates, redundancy or termination of contract, professional transfer, new job, etc.
  • Other coverages: serious damage to business or private premises, theft of identity card, driver’s license or passport, denied boarding in the event of a temperature reading.

Guarantees: cancellation of stay, late arrival, interruption of stay, replacement vehicle, forgotten object, Covid-19 guarantee, dog and cat care expenses… In short, everything is covered, except changing your mind!

Find all the C.G.A. on the Campe-couvert website!

Statista and I’m interested (continued)

For this study, an independent, anonymous online survey was carried out among a panel of over 3,500 people (French, German and British campers) who had visited one or more campsites in France over the past three years.

Respondents were able to choose the campsites they knew from a list of over 7,000 establishments, or by directly entering the name of the chosen campsite.

The rating given to each campsite was based on responses to five criteria (location, infrastructure, service, environment, value for money), and whether or not they would recommend the campsite to friends and family.

The data collected was used to draw up a list of the 750 best campsites in France, covering 22 regions.

And Youpendi camping is part of it!!!